Welcome to Dirk Benedict Central – the only OFFICIAL website for news and information about actor/author Dirk Benedict.  Learn where and when he will next appear, any upcoming projects, etc. here, or on one of our social media platforms (Facebook or “X”). 

Be advised that Dirk Benedict Central is the ONLY authorized social media presence for actor Dirk Benedict anywhere; if there is anyone, on any platform, claiming to be him, they’re not him – and are likely trying to scam you!

Over the years we created a community of people, who talked about his many roles (including Starbuck and the Faceman), about Macrobiotics – basically all things Dirk Benedict, and more; we are people who initially came together to celebrate Dirk, his career, and his books, but we discovered that we have much more in common and became a community of friends. Times (and technology) have changed, so if you’d like to join us in our current discussions, head over to our Facebook page or X (Twitter) account and let’s talk!

If you want to see what’s coming up for Dirk, take a look back at his previous work, see pictures from his past roles or appearances, the menu is on the right.  We bid you a warm welcome and hope you enjoy – and come back often! 

If you are an event promoter and would like to invite Dirk Benedict to appear at your event, please email me at “webmaster at dirkbenedictcentral dot com” (I spell it out like that to confuse the spambots…), and I will forward your request along.

John Pickard, Webmaster

“There is a divine moment in our lives when we become One. It is called pro-creation and it is reborn continually and forever in the future we call children.
They are our destiny and we are theirs. The extent to which we fail as parents… we fail as God’s Children.”

Dirk Benedict
Actor, Author, Director, Woodchopper, Dad


A few items we need you to know:

**3/20/2025: Happy Equinox to everyone! It’s Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, Autumn in the Southern, and we hope it finds you happy and well, wherever you are!

It’s been a busy winter, with snow and family and a couple of birthdays (including a certain milestone…). Preparations for the (extended) visit to Europe – Liverpool the weekend of May 3-4, Brussels the following weekend (May 10-11) are underway.

A couple of days ago, we learned that the FanExpo Dallas (May 30-June 1, 2025) had announced that – for the first time we’re aware of – Mr. T, Dirk’s A-Team co-star himself, has agreed to a one-day convention appearance; he’ll be there that Saturday. Of course, that’s notable enough for me to mention, since The A-Team is so popular around the world. Go see Mr. T in his first con appearance!

And as day follows night, the first question raised is, how about Dirk and Dwight?
I didn’t deliberately make that rhyme, but it is kind of catchy, isn’t it?

Dirk’s going to be there.

I have no reason to believe he won’t be there all three days, but I’ll let you know if I learn otherwise. All information about the convention is on the Upcoming Appearances page. And no, I don’t know about Dwight, but I’ll have my ears open.

This is going to be great! -John

**1/10/2025: I do enjoy delivering happy news. If you’ve been monitoring the Facebook page (or “X” account) you already know that Dirk has a new appearance, also in Europe, the weekend before Brussels!

He will be appearing at Comic Con Liverpool, May 3-4, 2025.

Yes, they beat me to the announcement (the ink’s still wet, folks, which means they were itching to announce it too), but only by a few minutes. I don’t know about you, but I think this is win-win for everybody! -John

**1/8/2025: Happy New Year! To all our friends around the world, we hope your 2025 is peaceful and exceeds your expectations in all things.

Yes, I’m late – computer woes – but I can’t wait to deliver this news – before anyone else – I can honestly say you’ll have heard it here first!

That’s right – we have an appearance to announce! And guess what – it’s in Europe!

May 10-11, 2025 (Or, if you prefer, 10-11 Mai, 2025, or 10-11 Mei 2025), Comic Con Brussels!! That’s right, Belgium, he’s signed on to visit your beautiful land and see all his Belgian fans. And fans from everywhere else who can make it, of course! Ticket and location information are linked on our Upcoming Appearances page (menu on the upper right of the page).

Hopefully we’ll have more appearances to announce for 2025 coming up – but you’ll know as soon as I do!
